Trustee Gilbert Benavides

“I remember seeing Judge Diane Albert around the Village but I never got to know her until I ran for Trustee in the Village of Los Ranchos. One of the first things she said to me is, "you're going to win". She offered to put my campaign sign at her house and she told her friends to vote for me. Diane Albert had a brilliant mind but her mannerism was that of a modest small town gal. Diane Albert and I shared a quirky sense of humor as exhibited by the attached photo she sent to me. Good bye good friend.”

In Memory of Judge Diane Albert.

“Like many of you, I was in shock to hear the recent news of Judge Diane Albert's passing. I did not know Diane well, but I do know that through many of the memories shared by friends, colleagues and Village residents, Diane was a well-respected attorney and a great friend to many. I know that Diane loved the Village of Los Ranchos and she showed it by being actively involved in the community; first as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner and most recently, as our elected Municipal Judge. May her passing remind us all to be sensitive to people's situations. It may not always appear as it is. Diane's memory will continue to shine bright throughout our community. Godspeed Diane! May you rest in eternal peace!”

Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Pacheco

Trustee George Radnovich

“I have been thinking a lot about Diane since Friday when I drove by her home and was stopped by crime tape. When I discovered what had happened, and that she had died the way she died, I couldn't get her plight out of mind, and I wished that I had recognized the warning signs and been able to help. Her death made for a very sad weekend. The world lost one of the good ones. I knew Diane for many years more as a friend than commissioner, judge or attorney. She was bright, always environmentally oriented in everything that she did, and she was a very good person. I'll always remember her that way! Rest in Peace Diane!”