Planning & Zoning

The Planning and Zoning Department has a listing of Village Neighborhood Associations and/or Architectural Committees. This information is utilized for early notification for zoning actions or public hearings held by the Village. Early notification can help to identify and possibly resolve potential conflicts involving neighborhoods and the private sector prior to the public hearing. It can also provide better communication between the neighborhood associations, the Village, and the private sector on major projects and law enforcement or Fire Department initiatives. A Neighborhood Recognition form can be obtained by fax, phone, or mail upon request. Please have your neighborhood association representative contact us to assist in this effort.


Planning & Zoning Director:



Code Enforcement Officer:

Vacant; (505) 344-6582

Planning & Zoning Administrative Assistant:

Michelle Austin; (505) 344-6582 ext. 104

The Planning and Zoning Commission is made up of residents appointed by the Mayor to review and act on matters of planning, platting and zoning using both the Master Plan and the Village Zoning Ordinance to guide them.


Planning & Zoning Commissioners

Commissioner Mary Homan, Chair

Commissioner Connie Barrow, Vice Chair

Commissioner John Edward

Commissioner Gwenn Baldwin

Commissioner Dru Tagliapietra

Commissioner Bob Martinez

Commissioner Claire Heywood