Chavez Multiuse Trail
The Village has been awarded $1,755,056.00 from the New Mexico Department of Transportation Recreation Trails Program for the Chavez Road Multiuse Trail Project. The Village will match the award with $299,083.00 of local funds for a project total of $2,054,139.00
The goal of the project is to provide a trail that improves the safety of all users on Chavez Road in a manner that respects the culture, environment, and quality of life of the Village. Public input will be solicited throughout the engineering and design phases to ensure that the goal of the project is met.
The Village has entered into a professional services agreement with Parametrix Engineering, Planning, Environmental Sciences for the following scope:
The scope of work is to perform the equivalent of the NMDOT Phase I-A/B, I-C, and I-D services for the Chavez Road Multi-Use Trail Project from Tinnin Road Boulevard to 4th Street in the Village of Los Ranchos, New Mexico.
The objective of the project is to prepare a study and preliminary design of a multi-use trail along Chavez Road. Major elements and deliverables include:
Development and implementation of a public involvement plan and agency coordination plan that will encompass the T/LPA process.
Preparation of a Design Analysis/Phase I-A/B Design Study Report that establishes and summarizes existing conditions, the project purpose and need, identification and evaluation of alternatives, and a recommended alternative.
Environmental investigations and preparation of an environmental document consistent with 23 CFR 771 and the NMDOT Location Study procedures.
Preliminary design of the recommended alternative.
Drainage analysis and memo.
Survey Control, Location Survey, and Topographic Mapping
Subsurface utility investigations and engineering
The Village will provide public information on a continuous basis throughout the project. Please monitor the Village website or contact the project manager with specific questions. The first Public Information Meeting will be held in February and notice will be provided by flyer distribution, public postings, and on the website.
María G. Rinaldi
Consulting Project Manager
Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque